Links to Other Sites

There are a number of sites that are offering free Bible related articles, information or publications.

E-Sword - Free download of Bibles and a reader for Windows and Apple devices. Not yet avaiable for Android.

Click to Download E-Sword Bibles
E-Sword Bible Download
Bible Resources A very powerful site offering bible related resources. Has an exceptional musical, video and past recorded talks section.

Click to visit
Bible resource Web Site

The Divine Plan of the Ages
A on-line Bible Study Site in many languages. Designed to help you better understand God's Plan for Mankind through God's Word the Bible.

Click to visit
Divine Plan of the Ages

The End Times
A short 3 page article explaining, from God's point of view the current events of the world today. Sent every 3 months. A free subscription is offered.

Click to view past issues of the End Times
Subscribe or view the End Times